Write templates with Chinese characters

(new feature from 0.0.5)

Now, HKJournalist can generate reports from templates that contain Chinese Characters. In other words, we can write reports using zh_CN.


First of all, you should check if XeLaTeX is installed properly in your environment. It is always integrated in TeXLive /MacTeX.

Then, make sure you have already installed target Chinese fonts.

Specify the header in md template

In the YAML metadata block, you should specify the CJK font used by the report. To simplify, For slides, we just specify documnetclass in which the font is already defined: (it is what exactly HKJournalist do when asked to automatically give a chinese report template)

documentclass: ctexbeamer
title: 中文报告
author: 香港记者
date: \today{{}}

Or you can replace the first line with a font declaration, such as:

# for windows
CJKmainfont: KaiTi
# Or for Linux
mainfont: WenQuanYi Micro Hei Mono

Note: the line about font or documentclass should be placed at first in the block.

Note: \today{} is a command that will be replaced by the actual date in proper format in the final report. To escape {}, it should be as \today{{}} in a template.

Write main part of your program

In general, there is nothing noteworthy in this part. Codes used in this example is exactly the same as the one in Quick Start.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from hkjournalist import Journalist

config = {}

def sin_2x_and_cos_2x(x):
    y = np.sin(x) * np.sin(x) + np.cos(x) * np.cos(x)
    return y

x = np.arange(0, 4 * np.pi, 0.1)
y1 = np.sin(x)
y2 = np.cos(x)

df = pd.DataFrame({'x': x, 'sin(x)': y1, 'cos(x)': y2})
df['sin^2^(x)+cos^2^(x)'] = sin_2x_and_cos_2x(df['x']).values
df = df.set_index('x')

# plot sine curve as sin_plot
ax = df.plot()
config['sin_plot'] = ax

# random select 5 point (x,y) as sin_table
config['sin_table'] = df.sample(5)

config['sin_func'] = sin_2x_and_cos_2x

However, you should always be careful on the encoding of your code/text files, especially when chinese characters probably occur in strings. Please ensure your files are always read and written under UTF-8 encoding.

And the rest part of md template is:

### 正弦曲线


### 正弦取值


### 正弦函数


Turn on zh

When constructing a HKJournalist instance, Turn on its zh-CN support by using zh=True argument.

reporter = Journalist(template_file='./reports/3_zh_cn_template.md', zh=True)

It is not too late to set reporter.zh=True by hand before call its report() method, of course, if you rely on automatically generated template with generate_template(), its zh property must be determined more early.

Final report

The following steps are as usual:

reporter.report(output_file='./reports/3_zh_report.pdf', beamer=True, overwrite=True)

The output file 3_zh_report.pdf looks like:
